Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Care Skin ?

No matter what advertisers say about secret ingredients and amazing discoveries, there's nothing complicated or secret about keeping your skin healthy and youthful. Combine these strategies and you can not lose. And remember, these tips apply equally to women and men.

Eat Right Food For Skin

The nutrients explained in first part of this blog  "Reversing Aging - Part 1"  are essential to your skin as they are to every other part of your body. The antioxidants are especially important because of your inevitable exposure to the sun. And drinking plenty of water will also help keep your skin hydrated.

Do Exercise Regularl

Research shows that middle-aged athletes have better skin than couch potatoes. it is thicker, more elastic, denser and stronger. There are three reasons for this.

  1. Exercise floods the skin with blood, which provides the nutrients and oxygen the skin cells need in abundance to grow and replace themselves.
  2. Exercise makes the body instruct special cells that make the skin's elasticity proteins to make more of these proteins. These are added to the skin's inner layers.
  3. Exercise creates heat inside the body, and this heat stimulates the body's production of collagen.
Stop Smoking

Nothing ages your skin faster than tobacco smoke. Smoke dose its dirty work from the inside out. The free radical by products of smoke circulate throughout your body, breaking down skin tissues and causing more and deeper wrinkles than would get otherwise.

Keep the Skin Clean

Do not use soap, at least on your face. it can harsh and drying. Instead use a cleanser that dose not contain soap or alcohol. A glycerin based cleanser is ideal, or try one with cold cream, lanolin, coconut oil or cocoa butter. be aware too that too much washing dries your skin by removing protective oils.

After washing use clarifying lotion formulated to your type of skin. Toners remove the remaining dirt an cleanser, as well as some dead skin cells.

Exfoliate The Skin

Exfoliation literally rubs off many dead skin cells from the surface, increase blood circulation to the skin, and stimulates the skin to renew itself and produce oil. Use a buffing sponge or granular cleanser one with very fine grains no more than two or three times a week. Rub gently to avoid scratching or damaging your skin. A masque is another way to exfoliate your face, whether you rinse off or peel off.

Moisturize The Skin

Realize that your skin probably is not as dry as you think. The dryness and tightness you feel after washing is normal and temporary. And also realize that moisturizing themselves do not add moisture, they trap moisture. That's why your skin should still be damp when you smooth on the moisturizers. Most moisturizers contain petrolatum, mineral oil or other oils, and/or lanolin, and you have to take care not to use too much, because all that oil can clog your pores stopping your skin from breathing and can also trap dirt. Plain old cheap petrolatum has been found to keep the skin moisturized for so long as two weeks.


Nothing soften wrinkles like a good bout of deep relaxation. They melt away with all your stress and cares, at least for a while. And if you make it a regular practice, it can make a real difference in how many wrinkles you accumulate and how deep they dig.

Wear Sunglasses

Besides protecting your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays, sunglasses help prevent squinting , which causes many wrinkles in the fine skin around the eyes.


  1. Thanks for sharing information. your post is brilliant..

  2. Love the information about the skin.
