Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Care Skin ?

No matter what advertisers say about secret ingredients and amazing discoveries, there's nothing complicated or secret about keeping your skin healthy and youthful. Combine these strategies and you can not lose. And remember, these tips apply equally to women and men.

Eat Right Food For Skin

The nutrients explained in first part of this blog  "Reversing Aging - Part 1"  are essential to your skin as they are to every other part of your body. The antioxidants are especially important because of your inevitable exposure to the sun. And drinking plenty of water will also help keep your skin hydrated.

Do Exercise Regularl

Research shows that middle-aged athletes have better skin than couch potatoes. it is thicker, more elastic, denser and stronger. There are three reasons for this.

  1. Exercise floods the skin with blood, which provides the nutrients and oxygen the skin cells need in abundance to grow and replace themselves.
  2. Exercise makes the body instruct special cells that make the skin's elasticity proteins to make more of these proteins. These are added to the skin's inner layers.
  3. Exercise creates heat inside the body, and this heat stimulates the body's production of collagen.
Stop Smoking

Nothing ages your skin faster than tobacco smoke. Smoke dose its dirty work from the inside out. The free radical by products of smoke circulate throughout your body, breaking down skin tissues and causing more and deeper wrinkles than would get otherwise.

Keep the Skin Clean

Do not use soap, at least on your face. it can harsh and drying. Instead use a cleanser that dose not contain soap or alcohol. A glycerin based cleanser is ideal, or try one with cold cream, lanolin, coconut oil or cocoa butter. be aware too that too much washing dries your skin by removing protective oils.

After washing use clarifying lotion formulated to your type of skin. Toners remove the remaining dirt an cleanser, as well as some dead skin cells.

Exfoliate The Skin

Exfoliation literally rubs off many dead skin cells from the surface, increase blood circulation to the skin, and stimulates the skin to renew itself and produce oil. Use a buffing sponge or granular cleanser one with very fine grains no more than two or three times a week. Rub gently to avoid scratching or damaging your skin. A masque is another way to exfoliate your face, whether you rinse off or peel off.

Moisturize The Skin

Realize that your skin probably is not as dry as you think. The dryness and tightness you feel after washing is normal and temporary. And also realize that moisturizing themselves do not add moisture, they trap moisture. That's why your skin should still be damp when you smooth on the moisturizers. Most moisturizers contain petrolatum, mineral oil or other oils, and/or lanolin, and you have to take care not to use too much, because all that oil can clog your pores stopping your skin from breathing and can also trap dirt. Plain old cheap petrolatum has been found to keep the skin moisturized for so long as two weeks.


Nothing soften wrinkles like a good bout of deep relaxation. They melt away with all your stress and cares, at least for a while. And if you make it a regular practice, it can make a real difference in how many wrinkles you accumulate and how deep they dig.

Wear Sunglasses

Besides protecting your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays, sunglasses help prevent squinting , which causes many wrinkles in the fine skin around the eyes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Protect Skin ?

The fcat of matter is, you care about how you look and you should. When you look better, you feel better. When you feel better, you behave younger and you live younger. You have more vigor, more optimism, more courage.


One study treated women to a complete makeover, the full treatment of cleansing, toners, moisturizers and makeup. The women said they not only thought they looked better, but felt better about themselves. They felt more confident, happier and healtheir.

The Skin : Our Leading Edge

Skin is not only what you notice first in yourself and everyone else, it is your largest organ. It envelops, potects and insulates the body and it is the dividing line between you and everything that is not you, in other words where you and world meet.

Nothing shows  your age more obviously than your skin. When you are young. your skin has literally replaced itself approximatly every after 30 days, but the older you get the longer this renewal process takes. When you are young , your skin has pelenty of oil to protect and lubricate it, but as you age, there is less and less oil so the skin gets dry and more susceptible to the environment, sun, hot, water, low humidity, soap. To keep it young looking you need to baby it.

Protect The Skin From Sun

The sun's rays do not stop at the surface. They bore inside, causing oxidation which weakens the collagen protein that makes up the structure of the skin's layers, leading to collapse from the inside. The result is thinner, less flexible, less stretchy, more wrinkled, sagging skin.

Protect Skin With Sunscreen

These products block out a portion of the sun's ultraviolet_A and UVB rays. Manufactures give them sun protection factor (SPF) rating from 2 to 30 and more, which indicate how many times longer you can stay in the sun without burning than you could if you wore no sunscreen.

Sunscreen selection tips 4-Point Checklist
  • SPF of 30 or greater
  • Broad-spectrum protection
  • Water-resistant
  • Make sure you like the product
Eat Your Antioxidants

The free radical scavengers we talked about in blog can help reduce the damage the sun causes.

Stay Away From Tanning Beds

They give you huge doses of UVA rays, maybe even more than the proprietors say because the light are very often improperly calibrated. Since you do not burn so readily there is little UVB you can stay in longer and do more damage to your skin.

Forget Tan Accelerators

No matter what the label syas a tanning accelerator would not increase your melanin production and so would not help you get a semi protective tan any faster.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Well may be you can't exactly turn back the clock. but what if you could slow it down REALLY slow it down, so that you could add more years to your life and, every bit as important, make them better, healthier, more enjoyable years ?

Perhaps you can do even better than that. What if we could actually REVERSE what the doctor call 'secondary aging', which causes creaking joints, poor vision, dull hearing and that awful tired feeling? Not to mention all of the other ugly aspects of aging that we  dread!

In the Roman Empire, people lived an average of 24 years. In 1850 the average American died at age 45. By 1900 that number had crept up to 48. Right now the average life span is 75 years, and those over 85 constitute the fastest growing segment  of the population.

The most conservative medical researchers are conceding that RIGHT NOW the human lifespan could be as much as 120 to 140 years. If we simply reduced the number of deaths from cancer and heart disease.


Carrots, Sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, papayas, apricots, peaches, kale, endive, parsley, broccoli, pumpkins, winter squash, spinach, watermelon, prunes etc.

Adults : 25,000 IU, daily
Pregnant Women: Should not get more than 6,000 IU, daily


Orange Juice, papayas, grapefruit juice, guavas, kiwi fruit, oranges, raw Brussels sprouts, raw green bell papers, chili papers, raw broccoli, collard green, kale, strawberries, tangerines.

500 milligrams a day
Approximately four cups of orange juice a day.


Whole grains, vegetables oils, wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, raw wheat germ.

About 200 IU a day and not more than 600 IU.


Fresh red, green and yellow vegetables, plus smaller amounts in meat and poultry.

Researcher estimates that 250 milligrams per day.


Mushrooms, garlic, radishes, carrots, cabbage, whole grains, broccoli, celery, cucumbers and in decreasing order shellfish, fish, red meat and poultry.

50 to 70 micrograms daily.


Seafood, liver, beef, poultry, eggs, nuts, cheese, legumes, whole grains.


Lemon Grainita

Lemon Grainita
Enjoy this half drink and half sorbet on a boiling hot after noon.


250 ml (8 fl oz) boiling water
125 g (4 oz) caster sugar
375 ml (12 fl oz) lemon juice (8-9 lemons)


Pour the boiling water over the sugar and leave it dissolve, stirring occasionally. Pass the lemon juice through a sieve and combine with container and place in the freezer.

Ii is impossible to predict exactly how long a granita Will take to freeze, this depend on the freezer; the important thing is to churn it regularly. Assume it will take three hours, stir it every 20 minutes. As crystals freeze around the outside of container scrape them into the center and break it up thoroughly. Once it has frozen it will be good to eat for few hours beyond this, but should not be left any longer. Serve in glasses.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Resume Writing TIPS

Resume Importance

You want your CV to capture an employer's attention, so you load it with buzzwords and fancy fonts, right?

Turns out that could put you on the fast track to the recycling bin.

Companies that are actually hiring are overloaded with resumes, leaving candidates with mere minutes or seconds to make their case.

In a 2009 survey by employment website Career Builder, 38 percent 02 252 U.S. human resources professionals reported that they spent only a minute or two reviewing a new resume and 17 percent said they spent even less than that.

With those kind of statistics, the pressure is on. It is time to take inventory of your accomplishments and craft a resume that conveys your talents and dose so quickly.

Resume Summary

Companies need a reason to interview you, so do not make them have to hunt for it.

The summary should be four to six sentences, presenting an overview of accomplishments targeted to show a solid ability to fill the advertised position. One of the biggest mistakes professionals can make is simply listing  duties.

Resume Body

It is essay for resumes to get bogged down with excess an irrelevant information.

Professional can often get caught up trying to describe their whole history and each individual assignment. To avoid these mishaps you need to ask yourself what is the job advertisement asking and the assignment I am listing on my resume directly related to the job? If not it is time to trim the resume down and refocus it toward transferable skills and experience.

Resume Design

It is not just about finding the right words. Design and formatting can make or break a resume.

The biggest design mistake is to have no design at all.

outlining your assignments and out comes uniformly makes the document more reader friendly and allows a potential employer to pull out key points. Resumes with too much white space end up being unnecessarily lengthy while resume with to little white space look overcrowded.

The length of your resume will depend on how much experience you have. if you are new to the profession , your resume should be one page. those who have more experience to highlight but should still limit their resume to two pages , tops . And they should put the most important information up high.

For more Tips on Resume Writing, Resume Samples and Job Hunting Tips follow the blogs and get informed.

Good Luck

Words of Wisdom

The leadership you demonstrate each and every day shapes your career, but many of us need a little reminder from time to time. Here are 12 quotes that may help you through your day, your project or your profession.

  1. Everyone of us alone has the power to direct the course of our lives by choosing what actions we will or would not take. While sometimes it's easier to believe you don't have a choice the reality is that you always have a choice to behave differently. (Francine Ward, Business Leader)
  2. I can't give you a sure fire formula for success but i can give you a formula for failure. Try to please everybody all the time.(Herbert Bayard Swope, Journalist)
  3. Believe in yourself Have faith in your abilities without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you can not be successful or happy.(Norman Vincent Peale, Minister and Author)
  4. People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. (Maya Angelou, Author)
  5. If you listen to your fear, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been. (Robert H. Schuller, Minister and Author)
  6. The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. (William James, Philosopher and Psychologist)
  7. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be.(Robert Fulghum, Author)
  8. People are responsible for motivating themselves. you are however responsible for creating a work environment in which people can motivate themselves.(Paul Falcone, Author)
  9. At the end of each day you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either app loud you or prod you. (Jim Rohn, Motivational Coach)
  10. Ask for help dose not mean we are week or incompetent. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence. (Anne Wilson)
  11. I am personally persuaded that the essence of the best thinking in the area of time management can be captured in this single phrase. Organize and execute around priorities.(Stephen R. Covey, Author)
  12. Leadership is not about the ability of those around you to lead; leadership is about your ability to lead despite that which is happening around you.
Effective leaders rise to the occasion rather than search for excuses. The chaos around you dose not really matter, how you handle it dose.

Work with Heart

10 years after the first heart day in September 2000, the World Heart Federation and its members are celebrating the progress made in heart health.

Over the decade, we have seen medical advances and public-policy changes positively affect the lives of millions of people around the world. Yet, heart disease and stroke still claim 17.1 million lives every year with an increase burden on people living in low and middle income countries where 82% of deaths occur.

At this milestone, the World Heart Federation is urging governments, health care professionals, employers and individuals to reduce this burden, and ensure people all over the world have longer and better lives through the prevention and control of heart disease and stroke.

During the past decade many businesses have recognized the importance of employee health and have committed to include health promotion in their corporate agenda. However, it is not just employers who need to be motivated to change their behaviours or policies everyone can play a role in improving health in the workplace.

Taking control of your heart health is not difficult. You can take charge of your own health, share ideas with friends and become an advocate for workplace well being.

How you can live a healthier life

  • Insist on a smoke free environment
  • Bring exercise to the work place
  • Chose healthy food options
  • Encourage stress free moments
  • Get some fresh air
  • 17.1 million people die every year from heart disease and stroke.
  • At least 80% of premature deaths are preventable through healthy diet, regular physical activity and avoiding tobacco.
  • Almost half of those who die from chronic diseases including heart disease and stroke are in the most productive period of their lives between 15 and 69 years old.